April 21, 2009

Bill Charlton: Bellingham ladies c 1954

I think the photo was taken in the Bellingham Black Bull around 1954 - and judging by their dress, it was after a fairly formal gathering or meeting, and not a night out! What Adam Dodd was doing as the sole male among them is intriguing. Adam served as a postman in Bellingham for many years along with Billy Beattie.

Photographer:  It would have been nice to know who the photographer was, as he/she certainly knew their job as the group is professionally composed. 

Back Row (L to R): Ellen Daley, Doreen Appleton, Mary Basford, Adam Dodd, Mrs Norman, Kathleen Thompson, Unknown.

Seated (L to R): Violet Robson, Gertie Hardy, Mrs Oliver, Ursula Davidson.

Help! We would like to know who the person is we could not name.

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