If you need just a bit of quick translation, and can find nowt on the fancy Google Translate widget that will approximate the North Tyne language, it's probably best you make your way through this very special dictionary - each link is live below, and will take you to the letter you're after.
A - aad to aye
B - baalks to byorman
C - caa to cuwman
D - dadd to dyke
E - easin' to eye
F - fall to fummlin
G - gan to gye
H - haad to huw
I - illiven to ivribody
J - jaa
K - keb to kositos
L - lambin' to lugs
M - maaks to mule
N - neb to nuw
O - only to oxters
P - paaky to pund
Q - quart
R - rake to rutts
S - saa to syke
T - taalk to turnoot
U - there's nee u man!
V - there's nee v man!
W - wall to wrang
X - there's nee x man!
Y - yarkin' to yowens
Z - there's nee z man!
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