By Dr Clive Dalton
Looking at a cow’s teeth
When buying or selling
sheep, farmers and stock agents always inspect the animals’ front teeth
(incisors) to make sure they can eat pasture effectively. It’s called ‘mouthing’ and standard
practice is that sale ewes are ‘guaranteed in mouth and udder’ before the
hammer falls.
Why don’t we take the
same approach with cattle, as their teeth are equally as important? The answer is simple; it’s too difficult,
as wrestling with a cow to open her mouth to inspect teeth needs strong arms,
and can be dangerous, even with her head locked in a headbail.
You need to get her
nose in a half-Nelson wrestling hold, while leaning back against the headbail
gate with feet well planted, and even then her head can still move quickly and
hit you in the ribs. Horns are an
added hazard.
You then have to force
the cow to open her mouth, which is best done by grabbing the side of her lip with
your closed fingers, on the opposite side from where you are standing.
There’s a small gap
between a cow’s front incisors and her back molars where there is only gum. You can poke your fingers in there for
leverage to open her mouth while pulling her whole head upwards, but care is
needed! If she opens her mouth quickly
and your fingers slip back between her molars, they’ll be neatly guillotined off,
and you won’t see them again to get them sewn on again!
To get a good front
view of a cow’s incisors, you need to hold their lips open (which they don’t
like) to check for teeth numbers, missing teeth, gaps, to check the gums around
the teeth, the state of wear and especially to see how well the incisors meet
the gum. To do all of this at
once, you need three hands or a strong assistant.
Harvesting pasture
The cow has a long ‘prehensile’ (gripping) tongue which is designed to sweep the grass into its mouth, where it’s immediately grabbed by the front incisors and held against the top hard dental pad before being ripped off by movement of the head. A dairy cow can easily make up to 36,000 bites per day when in full lactation and being fully fed. So the state of her front incisors is critical to doing all this work.
The cow has a long ‘prehensile’ (gripping) tongue which is designed to sweep the grass into its mouth, where it’s immediately grabbed by the front incisors and held against the top hard dental pad before being ripped off by movement of the head. A dairy cow can easily make up to 36,000 bites per day when in full lactation and being fully fed. So the state of her front incisors is critical to doing all this work.
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Reticulum or honey-comb bag |
After bacterial fermentation
in the rumen, the grass is regurgitated back into the mouth in round boluses to
be chewed for a second time by the molars and swallowed back via the reticulum
(honey comb bag used for tripe) into the omasum with many leaves for finer
grinding (called the Bible). Then it passes in finely ground form into the
abomasum or fourth stomach for final acid digestion before it’s voyage down the
digestive tract into the small and then large intestine.
Eating short pasture
So the first harvesting stage by the incisors is easiest when pasture is long – at least 2500kg DM/ha. So for a cow to eat say 13kg of DM/day for its maintenance and production needs, it has to harvest 90-100kg of wet herbage from the paddock.
It cannot do this
effectively when grass is short (below 1100kg DM/ha), and when forced to nibble
like a horse. Horses have both
upper and lower incisors so can easily graze down to soil level. If cattle are forced to eat down to
soil level, it’s a major challenge and results in severe damage to their
Teeth damage in winter
How much soil and teeth wear in this mob? |
This incisor damage happens too often during winter when cows are held at very high stocking rates to build up pasture for spring. These conditions also force cows to eat large amounts of soil, which is not good for their digestion. On pumice soils, the risk of incisor damage is even greater due to the extra abrasion of the teeth dentine from the pumice.
Teeth damage in drought
Incisor damage also increases
in extended summer dry spells and severe droughts when there is little green
feed available, and most of what is on offer is very short, dry and wiry dead
stems which are tough to tear off even when they can be held by the incisors.
Damage when changing teeth
Cattle are born with 8
temporary milk incisors which are then replaced in pairs from the middle pair outwards
at an average of 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 years of age. After about 5 years of age
(called full mouth), you cannot tell the age of a beast by its incisors and can
only guess based on wear. Very old
cows will have very worn teeth and may have none (called gummies) – but this is
prone to great variation and error.
Note that these ages are
general averages, and there’s enormous variation between individuals. As the new teeth push the old ones out and
this can pose problems when aging, so beware of this when mouthing a cow.
Gaps between teeth
A good set of incisors
has no gaps between the teeth, as when gaps develop, grass gets down between
the teeth and the biting action causes it to act as an abrasive – eventually
making the gap wider and the teeth forced further apart.
As the teeth get more spaced out, they
are then more prone to becoming loose and being pulled out completely.
Eating supplements
Cows with worn,
damaged or missing teeth usually have no problems eating roughages like hay or
silage, as there is little initial biting to be done. Similarly they can eat
dry concentrates with ease.
Buying beef cattle
Beef cattle are not
the problem that dairy cattle are, as beef animals are not kept at high
stocking rates and hence forced to graze down so low to the ground. Even in droughts’ beef cattle can
usually find enough long roughage so don’t have to eat down to ground level.
Buying dairy cattle
The big concern is with
dairy cows when people may have to pay up to $3000 for top genetics. At these prices, you don’t want a cow
with broken or missing teeth, especially if you are a sharemilker depending on
money from the bank to buy the herd.
So the message is if
you have to buy a good cow (beef or dairy) to be a foundation cow for the
future of the herd, it would be a very good idea to insist that she is guaranteed
to have a ‘correct mouth’.
If you cannot get this
guarantee or don’t trust the vendor, then insist that you have permission to
mouth all the animals on offer before purchase, as a beast that cannot harvest
pasture effectively will have her production compromised. A sound mouth on a cow is as important
as a sound udder and teats, and cows are always sold with these guarantees by
all reputable stock companies.
Buying cattle on line
When buying stock on
line, especially older animals, it’s equally important to check teeth before
purchase, as there is no guarantee, as when buying through a stock firm, that
your money and the stock will be protected during the transaction.
Dairy industry changes
Dairy herds have
increased rapidly in size over the last decade, and so has the change from
herringbone milking sheds to large rotaries with in-line medication systems, so
farm staff don’t see the condition of cows’ teeth each day as when orally
drenching in the herringbone.
So the chances of cows
in the herd with defective incisors will be much less likely to be noted.
In sheep it’s well
recognised that the shape and closing (occlusion) of the incisors against the
dental pad has a genetic component, and rams are regularly inspected and culled
for any defects, or with undershot or overshot jaws which are considered to be
very serious inherited traits.
It’s highly likely
that a similar situation occurs in cattle but it has never been investigated. When bulls can now have thousands of
daughters in herds all over the country, it would seem to be a good idea to give
some attention to their teeth, especially when modern dairy husbandry systems
at times of the year force cows to eat hard dry herbage very close to the
Examples of teeth
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Cows using their tongues to sweep grass into their mouths |
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Full mouth of fairly good set of teeth |
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Cow in serous trouble for grazing. Missing teeth and remainder worn away |
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Another cow in serious trouble with critical middle teeth missing |
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All teeth present but large gaps between teeth for grass to get stuck and increase wear |
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Full mouth but large gap showing |
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Four tooth cow with gaps starting to develop |
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Four tooth cow showing grass stuck between teeth |
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Good full mouth but top of teeth unevenly worn |
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Full mouth with grass stuck between teeth |
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Six tooth mouth with temporary tooth still in gum on right |
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Full mouth of badly worn teeth |
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Full mouth of evenly worn teeth |
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Full mouth of evenly worn teeth |
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