By Dr Clive Dalton

- Donkey - common name for the ass family.
- Jack, jackass, jack ass - intact male of the ass family.
- Jenny, jennet - female of the ass family.
- Burro - the smaller members of the ass family usually of Mexican or Spanish stock.
- Gelding or gelded jack - castrated male of the ass family.
- Mule - hybrid cross from breeding a jack to a mare.
- Hinny - hybrid cross from breeding a stallion to a jenny.
- Mare mule or Molly - female mule.
- Horse mule or John mule - male mule.
- Mare hinny - female hinny.
- Horse hinny - male hinny.
- Mule mare - mare used to raise mules.
- Miniature donkey - at maturity stands 36 inches or less at the withers.
- Standard donkey - at maturity stands more than 36 inches but less than 56 inches at he withers.
- Mammoth donkey - at maturity stands more than 56 inches at the withers.
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