- Kid - 8 temporary milk teeth in the top.
- Goatling(hogget) - centre pair start to erupt about 12 months.
- 2-tooth - centre pair should be present by 12-18 months.
- 4-tooth - second pair erupt by 21-14 months.
- 6-tooth - third pair erupt by 30-36 months.
- Full mouth - last pair erupt by 42-48 months
Billy goat: Entire male goat.
Breeds (milking):
- Saanan
- Toggenburg
- British Alpine
- Anglo Nubian
- Angora (Mohair)
- Cashmere
Buck: Entire male goat of any age.
Cashmere: Fine downy fibre from a Cashmere goat or the undercoat of a feral goat.
Doe: Mature female goat.
Feral goat: Goat that has been domesticate and has now returned to the wild.
Goatling: Young goat up to about a year old.
Guard hair: The outer coat on feral goat above the fine undercoat fibres.
Kid: Young male or female goat.
Kidding: The birth process in goats.
Mohair: The fibre from a mohair or Angora goat.
Nanny goat: Mature female goat.
Weaning: Time when the kid is taken off liquid diets, or when those suckling their dams are removed.
Wether: Castrated male goat.
Tassles: The two bits of skin hanging down from the lower jaw.
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