
September 26, 2009

Northumberland Border Shows - Bellingham and Falstone 2009

North Tyne Agricultural Shows

The Agricultural Show has been a highlight of Northumberland village life for well over 100 years, and two of the best examples of these events in the county are the Bellingham Show and the Falstone Border Shepherd's Show.

Village folk used to plan and record events as happening before or after 'The Show"! If you couldn't recall the actual date of an event, then the show was the best reference point that everyone could relate to.

These events have changed dramatically over the years as society has changed, and to many 'owld folk', the modern shows are nothing like the events of the past when there were more folk, more animals and a greater diversity of events.

But the shows are still a great valley event enjoyed by many, and Don Clegg's photos from the 2009 shows are testimony to this.

More about Bellingham Show can be found on:

Slideshow of Bellingham Show
by Don Clegg

Slideshow of Falstone Show by Don Clegg

Other Good Show resources on the web

Falstone Show:

Bellingham Show:

Good website with background about Bellingham:

The photos on that website are here

Another blog that talks about the show is:

The Northumberland local government communities website with background about Falstone has a few show references: with lots of great pictures under the picture link here

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