
December 19, 2008

Robert Allen: The Grittor

Icy road by the Hott Farm, Tarset
When wintor skies deep frost forebodes,
Or snows come snell an’ bittor;
Way up an’ doon the North Tyne roads
Gans Willie wi’ hes grittor.

Worth ivv’ry penny o’ yor rates,
Wor Willie is nee quittor;
Of erl the lads amang hes mates
Ye winna find a fittor.

Hes wagon load o’ grit an’ selt,
Yince seen, ye’ll no forgit hor;
For when she’s spinoor gans full belt,
She flees aff like a skittor!

An’ when the stuff’s bin hoy’d erl roon’.
An’ thore’s neewheor else ti pit hor,
Ye’ll find him doon the Rose an’ Croon,
Ahint a pinta bittor!
Fresh snow - waiting for the grittor!

From “Canny Bit Verse”, 1994. ISBN 0-9524649-0-X Published by the author.
Robert Allen's farming and historical poems have been sourced from the Northumberland Language Society. Please contact the NLS as a source ( of more of these brilliant works, and for recordings. The copyright is held by Nigel and Georgina Hall - for enquiries email them on

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