
September 3, 2008

Milk Quality Quiz


Have a bit of fun with these questions, and try them out without warning at morning tea or at the next staff meeting, and give a prize for the top score. Do it again a few weeks later. Then at the next meeting, go around the table and get everyone to come up with a question of their own for the rest to have a go at. Answers at the bottom.

1. How many milkings should a heifer be milked for before her milk is saved for the silo?
A 5
B 6
C 10
D 8

2. If the cold water going through you plate cooler is 14 degrees, at what temperature should your milk be entering the BMT if your plate cooler is working efficiently?
A 12 degrees.
B 18 degrees
C 16 degrees
D 20 degrees.

3. How often should you use a new set of milk filters?
A When ever you think about it.
B Once every day.
C Once a week.
D At the start of every milking.

4. What is the temperature that a hot water cylinder should be set at?
A 80 degrees
B 60 degrees
C 65 degrees.
D 90 degrees.

5. What is the minimum flow rate through a jetter.
A 3 litres/ minute
B It doesn’t matter.
C 2 litres/minute
D 2.5 litres/ minute.

6. If we started off with 50 coliform bacteria per ml of milk, in ideal growing conditions how many could we have after 100 minutes?
A 400 bacteria/ml
B 1600 bacteria/ ml
C 2000 bacteria/ml
D 800 bacteria/ml.

7. If rubberware is old and perished what is the most likely grade you will encounter?
A Coliform.
B Bactoscan.
C Thermoduric
D Somatic cell

8. If you encounter a protein soil in the plant, what is the best chemical solution to clean it off with?
A Acid solution
B Just straight hot water.
C Chlorinated alkali solution.
D Jiff

9. At what temperature should milk in the BMT be within 3 hours of completion of milking?
A 10 degrees
B 7 degrees
C 5 degrees
D 15 degrees

10. Why is it important to get milk temperatures down quickly after milking?
A It makes it easier to pump out by the tanker/
B It increases the life of the BMT/
C It slows down the multiplication of bacteria.
D Milk won’t turn to butter from the action of the stirrer.

Answers : 1-C; 2-C; 3-D; 4-A; 5-A; 6-B; 7-C; 8-C; 9-B; 10-C

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