
January 2, 2009

Sheep Farm Husbandry - References and Further Reading

Sources of information from text books, research papers, technical leaflets & reports, sheep industry organisations' publications

By Dr Clive Dalton

Dalton, D. C. (1980).
Introduction to practical animal breeding.
Out of print. Photocopies of First edition available from Dr Clive Dalton, 12 Maple Avenue, Dinsdale, Hamilton 3204. Price $45 which includes GST and postage within New Zealand
Blackwell Scientific Publications
ISBN 0-246-11194-1

Dalton, D.C. (2007) Third edition with cartoons by David Henshaw
Internal parasites of sheep and their control – now and in the future. Background information for farmers.
Reward publishing. ISBN 978-0-473-12133-4
Available from Dr Clive Dalton, 12 Maple Avenue, Dinsdale, Hamilton 3204. Price $27 which includes GST and postage within New Zealand

Geenty, K.G. (1999)
Editor: The New Zealand Sheep Council. Third edition
A guide to feed planning for sheep farmers (2009)

Geenty, K.G. (1997)
Editor: Wools of New Zealand and New Zealand Meat Producers Board
A guide to improved lambing percentage. 200 by 2000
ISBN 0-908768-75-3

Grant, I. F.(Editor) (2008)
The Farmers’ Veterinary Guide
Publisher: 3Media Group, Level 7, 67 Symonds Street, Auckland
ISBN 978-0-473-13622-2

A guide to improved lamb growth, 400 plus (2000)
New Zealand Sheep Council
ISBN 0-908768-96-6

Coleby, P. (2000)
Healthy sheep naturally
Lanklinks Press
ISBN 0-643-06524-5

Fencer Fred. (Aspen, S.D). (2004)
Hand-made farm fence #852
ISBN 0-476-01064-0

Gavigan. R. & Rattray, P. (Editors). New Zealand Sheep Council.
A guide to hogget mating – 100 more.
ISBN 0-908768-02-8

Lundie, R.S. & Wilkinson, E.J (2004). Editors
The world of coloured sheep
Proceedings of the 6th congress on coloured sheep, Christchurch, New Zealand
ISBN 0-476-00928-6

Lynch, J.J., Hinch, G.N., Adams, D.B. (19920)
The behaviour of sheep. Biological principles and implications for production
ISBN 0-85198-787-7

McCutcheon, S.N., McDonald, M.F., Wickham, G.A. (Editors) (1986)
Sheep production Volume 2. Feeding, growth and health
NZ Institute of Agricultural Science

Martin, C.P. (2004)
Processing of sheepskins from abattoir to finished product
The word of coloured sheep. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Coloured Sheep, Christchurch New Zealand
ISBN 0-476-00928-6

New Zealand contacts in agriculture (2003)
Contacts Unlimited Ltd, Email
ISBN 0-9582248-4-6

Meadows, G. (2008)
Pocket guide to sheep breeds of New Zealand
New Holland
ISBN 978-1-86966-225-7

Rattray, P.V. (2003)
Helminth parasites in the New Zealand meat and wool pastoral industries: A review of current issues. Final report, commissioned by Meat & Wood Innovation Ltd
228 pages. Available free from Meat & Wood New Zealand

Schering-Plough Coopers
Farmers’ Guide to Drench Resistance. 2005
Free brochure available by phoning 0800 800 543

Schering-Plough Coopers
Lice advice. A Farmer’s Guide to Lice Control in sheep. 2005
Free brochure available by phoning 0800 800 54
Lice Technical Manual 2004
Free brochure available by phoning 0800 800 543

Simmons, P., Ekarius, C. (2001)
Storey’s guide to raising sheep. Breeding;care;facilities.
Storey Books

West, D.M., Bruère, A.N., Ridler, A.L. (2002)
The sheep: health, disease & production
Veterinary Continuing Education, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
ISSN 0112-9643. 446p.

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, codes of welfare and minimum standards
These codes are available on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry or from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Animal Welfare, PO Box 2526, Wellington, New Zealand. There may be a charge depending on the quantity requested.

Welfare code for sheep.
Code of Animal Welfare No. 3 (Revised) July 1996.
ISBN 0-477-08550-4.

Code of Welfare (Painful Husbandry Procedures)
Code of welfare No. 7. 2005
ISBN 0-478-29800-5

Animal welfare
Code for the welfare of animals at the time of slaughter at licensed and approved premises.
Code of Animal Welfare No.10., July 1994.
ISBN 0-478-07337-2.

Code for the welfare of animals transported within New Zealand.
Code of Animal Welfare No.15. November 1994
ISBN 0-478-07372-0

Code for the sea transport of sheep from New Zealand.
Code of Animal Welfare No. 2, September 1991
ISBN 0-477-08159-2

Code for the welfare of animals at saleyards.
Code of Animal Welfare No. 16. November 1995.
ISBN 0-477-08151-7

Code for the welfare of emergency slaughter of farm livestock.
Code of Animal Welfare No.19. December 1996
ISBN 0-4-478-07431-1.

Code of welfare of exhibit animals and information for animal exhibit operators.
Code of Animal Welfare No. 14. November 1999.
ISBN 0-478-07366-6

Meadows, G.(1997)
Sheep breeds of New Zealand
Reed. ISBN0-7900-0583-2

New Zealand Veterinary Journal (2001). Volume 49: Number 6: pages 212-127.
Feature review series on internal parasites

New Zealand Sheep Council and Merial New Zealand Ltd. (1998)
Parasite notes
ISBN 0-473-04927-9.

Wools of New Zealand
New Zealand sheep and their wool (1994)

Wormwise. National worm management strategy (2008).
A Handbook of Sustainable Worm Management for Livestock Farmers
Meat & Wool New Zealand

Uljee, B., Rennie, N. (1999)
Livestock recording for sheep and beef
ISBN 0-477-08245-9

Verkade, Tineka. (2002)
Homeopathic handbook for dairy farmers
HFS Ltd., PO Box 9025, Hamilton, New Zealand. Email
ISBN 0-473-08376-0.

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